Full of Flavours

Cooking, Travel, and Lifestyle

Mastering a Healthy Breakfast Routine: Tips and Delicious Recipes

We all know that eating breakfast is important, but eating a healthy breakfast every day can be a hassle. In the mornings, you often have to rush, and it’s much easier to go for a fast, less healthy breakfast option or to skip breakfast entirely. In this article, we share our tips for an easy and healthy breakfast routine, along with some favorite recipes to kickstart your day.

1. Prep beforehand

Simplify your mornings by preparing breakfast in advance. For a quick and nutritious option, consider making smoothie bowls. Prepare a large batch, store a portion in the freezer, and refrigerate the rest for the upcoming days. The same principle applies to granola; craft multiple servings and keep them in convenient mason jars (to make sure we’re absolutely clear on this: that means not in the freezer!). This tip can be applied to a lot of different dishes.

2. Set up the night before

Avoid the morning rush by organizing everything the night before. Arrange clean plates, cutlery, bowls, and tea cups on the kitchen counter. This small yet effective step ensures a smooth and stress-free breakfast.

3. Frozen Fruits and Veggies

The easiest way to make your breakfast healthier is to add fruit and vegetables. When you’re out of fresh fruits and vegetables and don’t have time to go to the store. Our solution to this situation is to keep some fruits and vegetables in our freezer. Not only are they as nutritious as their fresh counterparts, but they also have a longer shelf life. In our freezer, we usually store mangoes, red fruits, avocado, pomegranate seeds, and spinach.

4. Some of our favorite recipes

Lastly, we like to share some of our favorite healthy breakfast recipes that are easy to make:
Healthy smoothie bowl
Easy smoothie bowl
Banana oatmeal pancakes
Fruit with granola
Vegetable omelet
Breakfast bavarois

By incorporating these tips and recipes into your morning routine, you’ll not only simplify your breakfast but also set the tone for a healthier and more energized day. Enjoy the benefits of a healthy start!


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