Full of Flavours

Cooking, Travel, and Lifestyle

Easy and Delicious Homemade Pizza Dough Recipe

Ditch the store-bought pizza base and elevate your pizza game with homemade pizza dough. Not only is it incredibly flavorful, but the satisfaction of creating your pizza from scratch is unmatched. This easy-to-follow recipe allows you to freeze the dough for later use or enjoy it right away.

pizza dough

⏲Prep time: 15 minutes
⏳Rise time: 75 minutes
⏳Bake time: 10 minutes
🍽 Servings: 4 pizza bases


500 grams of plain flour (3 cups + 2 tbsp)
10 grams of salt (2 tsp)
7 grams of dried yeast (2 1/4 tsp)
25 milliliters of olive oil (1 tbsp + 2 tsp)
275 milliliters of lukewarm water (1 cups + 2 tbsp)

pizza dough
How to make it?
  1. Mix all ingredients except salt and oil either by hand or using a kitchen machine.
  2. Incorporate salt and oil after a few minutes, continuing to mix for an additional 7 minutes.
  3. Allow the dough to rest for 15 minutes.
  4. Divide the dough into four parts. Choose between immediate use with an hour of rising or freezing the dough for future culinary adventures. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees Celsius (482 F).
  5. Roll out the dough into your desired pizza shape and add your favorite ingredients on top.
  6. Bake for a perfect 10 minutes, and voilà. You’ve got a homemade pizza with a perfect crust, sensational.

Say goodbye to the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary with this homemade pizza dough recipe. Unleash your creativity, and let your pizza-making adventure begin!


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