Full of Flavours

Cooking, Travel, and Lifestyle

A Typical Dutch Dessert Dough: Sloffendeeg

‘Sloffendeeg’ is a versatile Dutch pastry dough often layered with almond paste. This dough is a key element in many delightful Dutch desserts. It’s often topped off with pastry cream and fresh strawberries, but there are endless combinations.


⏲Prep time: 15 minutes
⏳Waiting time: 1 hour
⏳Baking time: 25 minutes
🍽2 large desserts, serving approximately 12 people (varies by size)

Ingredients for the dough

180 grams of butter
1 gram of salt
150 grams of sugar
Half an egg (the rest for the filling)
The zest of half an lemon
280 grams of all-purpose flour
4 grams of baking powder

Ingredients for the filling

250 grams of almond paste
Half an egg

How to make it?
  1. Start by mixing the butter, sugar, salt, half an egg, and lemon zest until well combined.
  2. Once mixed, add the all-purpose flour and baking powder to the mixture.
  3. Form the ingredients into a dough and wrap it with foil. Place the ‘sloffendeeg’ in the fridge for one hour to chill.
  4. As the dough chills, preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius (356°F).
  5. Mix the almond paste with the remaining half of the egg.
  6. Grease your chosen baking mold (various sizes work) and spread some dough evenly in the mold. Add a layer of almond paste on top of the dough, leaving about 1 mm of the edge free.
  7. Bake the dough for about 25 minutes or until it’s golden brown.
  8. Allow the baked dough to cool. Once cooled, you can fill it with various options like pastry cream, whipped cream, and/or fresh fruit, according to your preference.

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