Full of Flavours

Cooking, Travel, and Lifestyle

Recipe: Pear Cheesecake (with cottage cheese)

This cheesecake consists of cottage cheese, which is healthier than the regular version of cheesecake. In the Netherlands, we even have a different name for this type of pie, namely a kwarktaart (literally translated as cottage cheese pie). Usually, it’s made with strawberries, however, this time we made it with a fruit that’s currently in season: Pear!

⏲25 minutes
⏳3 hours
🍽About 12 slices


For the base:
300 grams of cookies
45 grams of butter (and some more to bake the pears in!)

Voor de topping:
700 grams of cottage cheese (at room temperature)
50 grams of vanilla sugar
150 ml of pear juice
7 leaves of gelatin
2 pears
30 grams of sugar

Hoe maak je het?
Soak the gelatin leaves in a bowl of water. Crumble the cookies in a food processor. Melt the butter and add the cookie crumbles when it’s melted. Mix it well together and add the mix to the mold. Make the mixture smooth in the mold and place it in the fridge.

Add the pear juice to a pan and vanilla sugar to a pan and wait until the mix is boiling. Get the pan off the heat source and add the leaked gelatin leaves, and stir at the same time in order for the mix to fully absorb the gelatin. Mix the cottage cheese and pear juice mixture together. Add the mixture to the mold and put the mold back in the fridge. Keep the pie in the fridge for a few hours. You can already make the pear topping in the meantime. Make slices of the pears and dip them in the sugar. Grab a pan, set it to middle heat, and add some butter. Bake the pears on each side for a few minutes. Let the pears cool down before adding them to the pie. Enjoy this Pear Cheesecake!

We also shared a recipe for Cheesecake in a glass. This recipe is made with raspberries.


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