Full of Flavours

Cooking, Travel, and Lifestyle

Products you should never buy at full price

Some products are on sale every few weeks and don’t easily expire. We believe you should never pay full price for these products. And as such, we will share some examples here in this article so you never have to either.

The type of product we’re thinking of is toiletries and detergent. Most of these products are often on sale for half price. The best tip that we can give you is to purchase more than you’ll actually need this week. Since these products won’t expire and they’re not on sale every week, you’ll want to buy enough to cover the time until they’re on sale again. That’s why we always keep some backup, this way if it takes a couple weeks for these products to go on sale, we’re all good to wait for it. We usually buy these products at the drugstore instead of the supermarket. However, if the supermarket sells the products for a good price you can also consider buying them there.

Products that we save a lot of money on are our deodorant, detergent, softener, sunscreen, and toilet paper. Other products that you can also save money on are coffee, tea, and soda for example. These products also won’t expire quickly. These were the products we think you should never pay the full price for.

Looking for more ways to save more? We shared some tips on how to save money on groceries.


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