Full of Flavours

Cooking, Travel, and Lifestyle

Recipe: Super Scones

In a little more than one week it’s Valentine’s day and we couldn’t let this pass without sharing a baking recipe. We wanted to inspire you with a recipe for delicious scones that you can bake for your partner, lover, friend or just for yourself. Who doesn’t like freshly baked scones?

⏲5-10 minuten
⏳12-15 minutes
🍽 6-8 scones


200 grams of self-raising flour
100 millilitres of milk (you can choose any type of milk substitute)
30 grams of sugar
30 grams of butter
2 gram zout
For the topping: fresh strawberries or jam and clotted cream or likewise, there are some tips in the following part.

Hoe maak je het?

Preheat the oven to 210 degrees Celsius. Weight all the ingredients and mix the flour, butter, sugar, and salt. When they’re mixed together you can add the milk and mix it until it’s one smooth mixture. Make 6-8 balls of the mixture and place them on a baking tray. Place the baking tray in the oven and bake them for 12-15 minutes.

We like to serve the scones with fresh strawberries and some clotted cream. This time we didn’t have clotted cream at home so we made our own curd cheese. Place a wet dish towel over a colander or a sieve and put some yogurt in there. The water will leak, if you fold up the dish towel and put some pressure on it the process will go faster. After about an hour the mixture should have the right texture. If you want more taste and a firmer mix, leave it overnight and your curd will get there. Mascarpone is also a good alternative and instead of fresh strawberries, you can also use jam. Enjoy your scones!


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