Full of Flavours

Cooking, Travel, and Lifestyle

Healthy Chocolate Brownie Recipe

Comfort food carries its name for a reason, we also like to sometimes eat some comfort food, mostly on the weekend. However, we also want to stay fit and healthy. That’s why we try to come up with alternatives for the things we like to eat! We like creating healthier or simply different versions of known recipes. Today we will share our healthy chocolate brownie recipe. One ingredient in this recipe that might surprise you, is Greek yogurt.

⏲15 minutes
⏳2,5 hours
🍽10-12 portions

55 grams of coconut oil
15 grams of vanilla oil (you can also replace this with 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 10 grams of coconut oil)
230 grams of Greek yogurt
3 grams of baking powder
75 grams of oat flour (use regular oats and blend them in a blender)
2 gram zout
240 grams of pure chocolate (180 grams in the mixture, 60 grams of chips through the mixture)
95 grams of coconut sugar

Hoe maak je het?
Weight all the ingredients, grease the cake tin and put a pan on the stove with low heat. Add the oil and 180 grams of the chocolate. Keep steering while the ingredients in the pan melt. Don’t let it get too hot and get the pan off the stove when the mixture is fully melted. You can also do the previous step “au bain-Marie” if you’re afraid to burn the chocolate. However, you don’t want water near your chocolate so I tend not to like it and watch my temperatures instead. Then add the Greek yogurt and mix it well. Add the sugar, baking powder, and salt and mix until the mixture is smooth again. Then add the oat flour and last chocolate chips.

Add the mixture to the cake tin and let it sit for about 30 minutes. In the meantime, you can preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius. Place the cake mold in the oven and let it bake for about 30 minutes. You can check whether the brownie is done with a thin object, and stick it in the brownie if it comes out dry the brownie is done. Let the brownie cool down in the cake tin for at least 20 minutes, get the brownie out of the tin, and let it cool down for at least two hours before consuming. Enjoy your healthy chocolate brownie!


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